Suddenly a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky. 突然一道闪电划破长空。
Now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth. It is heaven's exclamation point. 这时,第一道闪电刺向大地,这是老天划的惊叹号。
And just as I put my collar up, a bolt of lightning woo whizzed past me in the mid of strange noise and hit the perimeter fence which was probably about 18 foot away from me. 就在我竖领子时,一道闪电呜地发着怪声从我旁边嗖嗖而过,打在离我大约18英尺开外的栅栏周围。
On another night one of the wolves was killed by a bolt of lightning and this was also blamed on the rabbits, for it is well known that lettuce-eaters cause lightning. 另一个晚上,一只狼被雷电劈毙,这件事也怪罪于兔子,因为众所周知,雷电是由吃莴苣的动物引发的。
The only thing Harry liked about his own appearance was a very thin scar on his forehead that was shaped like a bolt of lightning. 哈利对自己的外表最喜欢的就是额头上那道像闪电似的淡淡的疤痕。
Inside, just visible, was a baby boy, fast asleep. Under a tuft of jet-black hair over his forehead they could see a curiously shaped cut, like a bolt of lightning. 他们看见毛毯里裹着一个男婴,睡得正香。孩子前额上一绺乌黑的头发下边有一处刀伤,伤口形状很奇怪,像一道闪电。
A bolt of lightning strikes near Terminal D as an American Airlines jet takes off from Dallas/ Fort Worth International Airport on Sept.11,2006. 2006年9月11日,一架美国喷气机伴随着闪电从Dallas/FortWorth国际机场起飞。
How could I miss it? That bolt of lightning must have hit very near here. 我怎么会看不到呢?那道闪电一定就打在这附近。
The house next to ours was struck by a bolt of lightning. 我们隔壁的房子被一道闪电击中了。
Doc tells Marty that the only possible source of that amount of power is a bolt of lightning. 博士告诉马蒂,驱动时光机需要相当巨大的能量,而唯一可能的方法就是利用闪电。
A sudden bolt of lightning can wipe it all out. 突然一记闪电毁了一切。
Great failures are slow agony, but great passions that are thwarted kill like a bolt of lightning. 巨大的失败是缓慢的剧痛,但是巨大的激情所引发的挫折,如同一道闪电将人杀死。
We saw a bolt of lightning come down and hit something," she said. " 她说:“我们看见一道闪电打中了什么东西。”
The two previous capitol buildings were destroyed by fire, the second having been started by a bolt of lightning. 二个早先国会大厦大厦被火,秒钟毁坏了由闪电螺栓开始。
Basically, it fires a bolt of lightning. 最基本的,它发射一束光。
That last bolt of lightning smelled like a. 最后一个闪电闻起来像。
He was struck by a bolt of lightning and died instantly. 他随即被闪电击中,当场死亡。
Summons a bolt of lightning from the heavens to strike a target enemy. 从天空召唤一道闪电对目标造成伤害。晕眩0.01秒。
As this flight came into Heathrow, a jagged bolt of lightning smashed into the roof, right above the pilots'heads. 这不,这一回一道闪电与飞机登上了“大自然神奇画报”的头版。
The inhabitants of a powerboat turn on their lights just as a bolt of lightning hits the ground behind it. 一道闪电击中一艘机动船背后的地面,船上居民打开了灯。
The old scar on his forehead, which was shaped like a bolt of lightning, was burning beneath his fingers as though someone had just pressed a white-hot wire to his skin. 在他的手指下面,那道闪电形的伤疤火辣辣地痛着,仿佛有人刚将一根白热的金属丝按压在他的皮肤上。
One blinding flash after another came, and peal on peal of deafening thunder. How could I miss it? That bolt of lightning must have hit very near here. 耀眼的闪电一道紧跟着一道,震耳的雷声一阵尾随着一阵。我怎么会看不到呢?那道闪电一定就打在这附近。
But romantic feelings that arrive like a bolt of lightning can pass as quickly as a summer storm. 不过浪漫的感觉可能会像夏天暴风雨中的闪电一样出现在你的身边。
Under a tuft of jet-black hair over his forehead they could see a curiously shaped cut, like a bolt of lightning. 在他前额一簇漆黑的头发底下他们看到一道形状奇特的疤痕,好像一道闪电似的。
An ox or a sheep may kiss any grass and the kiss is followed by a wedding ceremony as quick as a bolt of lightning. 牛羊随兴所至的嘴唇吻到谁就是谁了,那里就有一场闪电式的婚礼在举行。
I think this kind of situation is becoming more widespread. I've heard there's even a new word for it: "lightning marriage." You know, like getting married as fast as a bolt of lightning. 现种情况并不少见了,而且还有了的新词“闪婚”,意思“像闪电一样很快很快的结婚”。
The bird shrieked, ranted and raved, but every bolt of lightning fell on the paddle, sparing the Shamaness. 雷鸟尖叫着、怒吼着、咆哮着,但是它释放的所有闪电都被船桨所吸收。
Another huge crash of thunder, followed by another bolt of lightning and a falling tree. 又是一声响雷,接着又是一道闪电,一棵树木也应声倒地。
Then I see the bolt of lightning and a crack, and, uh, I just said to myself: oh my God, oh my God, what am I going to do? 那时我看到一道闪电撕裂,然后我自言自语地说:上帝呀,我应该怎么做呢?
As a distant bolt of lightning comes down, light and dark coexist for a moment. 当远方的雷电打下来的时候,光与黑暗在这一刻交融共存。